Exponents And Powers Multiple Choice Questions (CBSE & ICSE)

Exponents And Powers

Last Updated: 30 November 2023

Exponents And Powers is a Very Important Chapter in the ICSE and CBSE Mathematics Syllabus.

In this article, there are 50 Multiple Choice Questions that will help You boost Your IQ and help you Score Better.

Solve these Multiple Choice Questions and Improve Your Exam Performance.

Exponents And Powers

1. The Simplified Value of (2.3n+1 + 7.3n-1) / {3n+2 – 2(1/3)1-n} is?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 1
d) -2

2. If (25)x = (125)y then x : y equals?
a) 1:2
b) 4:3
c) 2:3
d) 3:2

3. If (x/y)n-1 = (y/x)n-3, What is the value of n?
a) 1/3
b) 2
c) 7/2
d) 3

4. If 3x-1 + 3x+1 = 90 then x equals to?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

5. What is the value of n if 9n + 9n + 9n = 32013 ?
a) 1008
b) 1006
c) 2006
d) 2009

6. If 2x+1 = 8x, then x equals?
a) 1/3
b) 1/2
c) 2/3
d) 3/1

7. If (25)7.5 x (5)2.5 ÷ (125)1.5 = 5x, What is the value of x?
a) 12
b) 17
c) 19
d) 13

8. If (0.04)2 ÷ (0.008) x (0.2)6 = (0.2)x, find x?
a) 17
b) 16
c) 7
d) 6

9. (1000)12 ÷ (10)30 = ?
a) (100)2
b) (1000)2
c) (10)2
d) (10000)2

10. From the following which one is greatest?
a) (0.01)1/2
b) (0.2)2
c) 1/100
d) (0.008)1/3

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11. If 3x+y = 81 and 81x-y = 38, what is the value of x and y?
a) 1,3
b) 3,2
c) 2,3
d) 3,1

12. Which is the same as (-5/7)-7 ?
a) -(5/7)-7
b) (5/7)-7
c) (-7/5)7
d) (7/5)7

13. (64)-1/2 – (-32)-4/5 = ?
a) 3/8
b) 1/16
c) 1/8
d) 3/16

14. The value of (8-1-9-1)-1 ÷ (4-1-9-1)-1 ?
a) 20
b) 25
c) 5
d) 10

15. The Value of [2-3(2-3)-1]-1 ?
a) 1/5
b) -1/5
c) 2/5
d) 3/5

16. Which of the following values are equal?
I. 50 II. 15 III. 05 IV. 51
a) I and II
b) II and III
c) I and IV
d) I and III

17. If 5x= 3125 then the value of 5(x-3) is?
a) 75
b) 625
c) 25
d) 125

18. The value of (256)5/4 is?
a) 9084
b) 1024
c) 1032
d) 1202

19. The value of 27-2/3 lies between?
a) 2 and 3
b) 0 and 1
c) 1 and 2
d) 4 and 3

20. The value of (32/243)-4/5 ?
a) 81/16
b) 16/18
c) 16/81
d) 81/61

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21. Solve: √(y3/x) x √(y/x)
a) x3/y
b) y3/x
c) y2/x
d) x2/y

22. (xp/xq)r x (xq/xr)p x (xr/xp)q =?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 11
d) 12

23. Solve: [{2p-1q2r}]-2
a) p6/64q8r6
b) p6/64q6r6
c) p6/64q12r6
d) p4/64q12r6

24. (xa+b/xc)a-b x (xb+c/xa)b-c x (xc+a/xb)c-a =?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

25. [(3p2qr-2) / (2p-1q3)]2 ÷ (2p3r)-1 =?
a) 9p6/2q2r
b) 9p6/2q4r
c) 9p9/2q4r3
d) 9p9/2q2r3

26. Find the Value of X in [{(2/5)2}4]x+2 = [{(2/5)-2}(x-1)]-3 ?
a) -13
b) -11
c) 11
d) 13

27. (xa+b)a-b x (xb+c)b-c x (xc+a)c-a =?
a) 11
b) 1
c) 23
d) 9

28. (xa/x-b)a-b x (xb/x-c)b-c x (xc/x-a)c-a =?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 7

29. Find the Value of X in (-3/11)x+5 ÷ (-3/11)-2x+3 = (-3/11)2x-5 x [(-3/11)-2](x+4) ?
a) -7
b) -11
c) -5
d) -6

30. (81)-1 x 3-5 x 39 x (64)5/6 x (∛3)6 =?
a) 288
b) 299
c) 388
d) 188

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31. (16/625)1/4 =?
a) 3/5
b) 2/5
c) 5/3
d) 5/2

32. (81/16)-1/4 =?
a) 2/3
b) 3/2
c) 4/3
d) 3/4

33. (64)2/3 + ∛125 + 30 + (1/2-5) + (27)-2/3 x (25/9)-1/2 =?
a) 54(15/1)
b) 54(15/3)
c) 54(1/15)
d) 54(1/5)

34. {a7+2n (a2)3n+2} / (a4)2n+3 =?
a) 3/a
b) a/2
c) 2/a
d) 1/a

35. (ab)y-z (bc)z-x (ca)x-y =?
a) ax-y by-z cz-x
b) ax-y by-x cz-y
c) ax-z by-x cz-y
d) ax-z bx-y cz-y

36. What is the value of {x2n+3 x(2n+1)(n+2)} / {(x3)2n+1 xn(2n+1)} ?
a) x4
b) x3
c) x2
d) x1

37. What is the Value of (1/1+xa-b) + (1/1+xb-a)?
a) 1/2
b) 2
c) 1
d) 2/3

38. What is the value of (-5)-3?
a) -1/95
b) -1/225
c) -1/125
d) -1/75

39. 1/512 expressed as a power with base 8 is?
a) 8-3
b) 8-2
c) 8-6
d) 8-8

40. The value of (1/2)-2 + (1/3)-2 + (1/4)-2 is?
a) 59
b) 49
c) 39
d) 29

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41. If 3.3n = 3, then the value of n is?
a) ∞
b) 0
c) 1
d) 1/2

42. What is the Multiplicative Inverse of 1010?
a) 1010
b) 101/10
c) 10-10
d) 1/1010

43. p(-2/5) x p(2/5) = ?
a) p2
b) 1
c) p2/5
d) p-2/5

44. (50 + 60 + 70) =?
a) 1
b) 0
c) 3
d) 18

45. What is the value of n in 5-5 x 52n+1= 513 ÷ 57?
a) 7
b) 9
c) 13
d) 5

46. Solve: (xa/xb)a+b x (xb/xc)b+c x (xc/xa)c+a ?
a) xb
b) 1
c) xa+b
d) (xa)b

47. Evaluate: (l-4 x m3 x n-2 x z6) / (n3 x l-1 x z0 x m-2)?
a) m4z6/n4l3
b) m5z6/n5l3
c) m0z6/n4l3
d) m5z6/n3l-2

48. Simplify: {9-2 x 35 x (5-2)3} / {(3-3)4 x 54} ?
a) 313/510
b) 3-3/510
c) 35/510
d) 312/510

49. √xp-q x √xq-r x √xr-p = ?
a) 1
b) ∞
c) 0
d) p-q

50. Find the value of n in {x2n-3 x (x2)n+1 / (x4)-3} = (x3)3 ÷ (x6)-3 ?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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