100+ Questions On Profit, Loss, Discount, Tax ICSE RS Aggarwal

Profit Loss Discount Tax

Last Updated: 30 November 2023

If you’re looking for exercise questions on Profit, Loss, Discount, And Tax, you have come to the right place.

In this article, you will find 100+ Questions related to Profit Loss Discount and Tax answered in simple English language for you to understand easily.

This exercise question is taken from R.S. Aggarwal’s Class 8 ICSE Book and the contents are separated exercise-wise to differentiate between different types of questions.

Profit Loss Discount and Tax is a very important chapter, especially for those sitting for Mathematics Aptitude, Bank Exams, Economics, School Exams, and Competitive Exams.

Read the following concepts and solve the exercise questions. 25 MCQ questions are provided at the end for you to test your brain.

Review of Concepts

Cost Price (C.P.)= The price at which an article is purchased is called its Cost Price.

Selling Price (S.P.)= The price at which an article is sold is called its Selling Price.

Overhead Expenses= Sometimes apart from paying the cost of an article a person has to spend money on transportation, labor charges, repair, sales tax, etc. Such expenses are known as Overhead Expenses

Marked Price (M.P.)= In big shops and departmental stores, every article is tagged with a card, and its price is written on it. This is called the Marked Price of that article, abbreviated as M.P.

List Price= Items that are manufactured in a factory are marked with a price according to the list supplied by the factory at which the retailer is supposed to sell them. This price is known as the List Price of the article.

Discount= In order to give a boost to the sale of an item or to clear the old stock sometimes the shopkeeper offer a certain percentage of rebate on the marked price. This is known as a Discount.

Successive Discount= Suppose a 20% discount is given on the marked price of an article and further, a discount of 10% is given at the reduced price. Then we can say that discounts of 20% and 10% are given in the article.

Tax= A compulsory contribution to the state revenue, levied by the government and added to the cost of goods and services is called Tax. It is always reckoned as a percentage of the sale.

Difference between Marked Price and Sale Price= The price marked on an article is called its Marked Price or List Price whereas the price at which an article is offered to the customer is called the Sale Price.

Important Formulas
1) Gain= S.P. – C.P.
2) Gain%= (Gain/C.P.)*100
3) Loss= C.P. – S.P.
4) Loss%= (Loss/C.P.)*100


1. Find the Gain Percent or Loss Percent, when:
(i) C.P.= ₹750, S.P.= ₹875 (ii) C.P.= ₹126, S.P= ₹94.50
(iii) C.P.= ₹80.40, S.P= ₹68.34 (iv) C.P.= ₹58.75, S.P= ₹51.70


(i) C.P.= ₹750 and S.P.= ₹875
∴ Gain= S.P. – C.P. = ₹(875-750)= ₹125
Now Gain%= (125/750) * 100= 16.67%

(ii) C.P.= ₹126, S.P= ₹94.50
∴ Loss= C.P. – S.P. =₹(126-94.50)= ₹31.50
Now Loss%= (31.50/126) * 100= 25%

(iii) C.P.= ₹80.40, S.P= ₹68.34
∴ Loss= C.P. – S.P. =₹(80.40 – 68.34)= ₹12.06
Now Loss%= (12.06/80.40) * 100= 15%

(iv) C.P.= ₹58.75, S.P= ₹51.70
∴ Loss= C.P. – S.P. =₹(58.75 – 51.70)= ₹12.06
Now Loss%= (7.05/58.75) * 100= 12%

2. Ranjit Purchased an almirah for ₹5,248 and paid ₹127 for its transportation. He sold it for ₹6,020. Find his Gain Percent or Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P. of an almirah= ₹5248

Spent on transportation= ₹127

Net C.P. of almirah= ₹(5248+127) =₹5375

S.P. of almirah= ₹6020

Gain= ₹(6020-5375) =₹645

Gain%= (645/5375) * 100= 12%

3. Ahmed purchased an old scooter for ₹14,625 and spent ₹3,225 on its repairs. Then, he sold it for ₹16,422. Find his Gain Percent or Loss Percent

Solution: C.P. of an old scooter= ₹14625

Spent on repair= ₹3225

Net C.P. of an old scooter= ₹(14625+3225)= ₹17850

S.P. of an old scooter= ₹16422

Loss= ₹(17850-16422)= ₹1428

Loss%= (1428/17850) * 100= 8%

4. A man buys two cricket bats, one for ₹1,360 and the other for ₹1,040. He sells the first bat at a gain of 15% and the second one at a loss of 15%. Find his Gain Percent or Loss Percent in the whole transaction?

Solution: C.P. of first bat= ₹1360

Gain%= 15%

S.P.= C.P. * (100+Gain%)/100= 1360 * (100+15)/100= ₹1564

C.P. of the second bat= ₹1040

Loss%= 15%

S.P.= C.P. * (100-Loss%)= 1040 * (100-15)/100= ₹884

∴ Total C.P. = ₹(1564+884)= ₹2448

Total S.P. =₹(1360+1040)= ₹2400

∴ Gain= S.P. – C.P. = ₹(2448-2400)= ₹48

Gain %= (48/2400) * 100= 2%

5. Nandlal bought 20 dozen notebooks at ₹156 per dozen. He sold 8 dozen of them at a 10% gain and the remaining 12 dozen at a 20% gain. What is his Gain Percent in the whole transaction?

Solution: C.P. per dozen= ₹156

C.P. of 20 dozen notebooks= 156 * 20= ₹3120

C.P. of 8 dozen notebook= 156 * 8= ₹1248

Gain= 10% of 1248= 124.80

S.P. of 8 dozen notebooks= 1248 + 124.80= ₹1372.80

Now C.P. of 12 dozen notebooks= 156 * 12= ₹1872

Gain= 20% of 1872= ₹374.40

S.P. of 12 dozen notebooks= 1872 + 374.40= ₹2246.40

Total S.P. of 20 dozen notebooks= 1372.80 + 2246.40= ₹3619.20

Total Gain= 124.80 + 374.40= ₹499.20

∴ Gain%= (499.20/3120) * 100= 16%

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6. Heera bought 25Kg of rice at ₹48 per Kg and 35Kg of rice at ₹60 per Kg. He sold the mixture at ₹66 per Kg. Find his Gain Percent?

Solution: C.P. of 1 Kg rice= ₹48

C.P. of 25 Kg rice= 25 * 48= ₹1200

C.P. of another 1 Kg rice= ₹60

C.P. of 35 Kg rice= 60 * 35= ₹2100

C.P. of (25+35=60) Kg rice= ₹1200 + ₹2100= ₹3300

Now S.P. of 1 Kg rice= ₹66

∴ S.P. of 60 Kg rice= 66 * 60= ₹3960

Gain= S.P. – C.P. = 3960 – 3300= ₹660

Gain%= (660/3300) * 100= 20%

7. If the selling price of an article is (4/5)th of its cost price, Find the Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P. = x

S.P. = (4/5)x

Loss= x – (4x/5)= x/5

Loss%= (x/5)/x *100= 20%

8. If the selling price of an article is 113 of its cost price, find the Gain Percent?

Solution: C.P.= x

S.P.= 4x/3

Gain= (4x/3) – x= x/3

Gain%= (x/3)/x * 100= 100/3% = 3313%

9. A man sold a table for ₹2,250 and gained one-ninth of its cost price. Find
(i) Cost Price of the table (ii) Gain Percent earned by the man

Solution: S.P= ₹2250

C.P.= x

Gain= 1/9

C.P. = (1/9)x

S.P. = C.P. + Gain= x + (1/9)x = 10x/9

So, 10x/9 = ₹2250

x= 2025

(i) Cost Price= ₹2025

(ii) Gain= S.P. – C.P. = ₹225

Gain% = (225/2025) * 100= 100/9 = 11.11%

10. By selling a pen for ₹195, a man loses one-sixteenth of what it cost him. Find (i) Cost Price of the pen (ii) Loss Percent

Solution: S.P. = ₹195

C.P. = x

Loss= 1/16

C.P. = 1/16 * x = x/16

S.P. = C.P. – Loss = x – x/16 = 15x/16

So, 15x/16 = 195

x= ₹208

Now C.P. = ₹208

Loss= 208 * 1/16 = ₹13

Loss%= (13/208) * 100 = 25/4% = 6.25%

11. A cycle was sold at a gain of 10%. Had it been sold for ₹99 more, the gain would have been 12%. Find the Cost Price of the cycle?

Solution: Let the cost price of the cycle = ₹x

Gain = 10%

We know that Selling price = [(100 + Gain%)/100] * CP= [(100 + 10)/100] * x

= [110/100] * x = 110x/100 = 11x/10

ATQ, it had been sold for ₹99 more

Selling price = ₹(11x/10) + 99   ——(1)

The gain would have been 12%

Selling Price = [(100 + Gain%)/100] * CP= (112/100) * x

= 112x/100 = ₹28x/25 ——(2)

On solving (1) & (2), we get

=> (28x/25) = (11x/10) + 99

=> (28x/25) – (11x/10) = 99

=> (56x – 55x) = 99 * 50

=> x = ₹4950

Therefore, the Cost Price of cycle = ₹4950

12. A bucket was sold at a loss of 8%. Had it been sold for ₹56 more, there would have been a gain of 8%. What is the Cost Price of the bucket?

Solution: Let the C.P. of bucket= ₹x

Loss= 8%

S.P. = [(100 – 8) * x]/100

S.P. = 92x/100

Now, it had been sold for ₹56 more

S.P.= (92x/100)+56

Gain% = 8%

S.P.= (100+8) * x/100

Difference between two S.P.’s= ₹56

=> (108x/100) – (92x/100)= 56

=> 16x = 56 * 100

=> x= (56 * 100)/16

=> x= 350

∴ Cost Price of the bucket is ₹350

13. The selling price of 18 books is equal to the cost price of 21 books. Find the Gain Percent or Loss Percent?

Solution: Given, S.P. of 18 Books = C.P. of 21 Books

Let the Cost Price of 21 books = a

Cost Price of 1 book = a/21

Selling Price of 18 book = a

Selling Price of 1 book = a/18

Gain on 1 book = S.P. – C.P. = a/18 – a/21 = (7a – 6a)/126 = a/126

Now, Gain% = (Gain on 1 book * 100) / C.P. of 1 book

= (a/126) * 100/( a/21) = 100 * 21/126 = 100/6 = 16.67 %

14. The cost price of 12 fans is equal to the selling price of 16 fans. Find the Gain percent or Loss Percent?

Solution: Given, C.P. of 12 fans = S.P. of 16 fans

Let the Cost Price of 12 fans = a

Cost Price of 1 fan = a/12

Selling Price of 16 fans = a

Selling Price of 1 fan = a/16

Loss on 1 fan = C.P. – S.P. = (a/12) – (a/16) = (4a – 3a)/48 = a/48

Loss% = (Loss/CP) * 100 = (a/48)/(a/12) * 100 = 100/4 = 25%

15. On selling 250 cassettes, a man had gain equal to the selling price of 25 cassettes. Find the Gain Percent?

Solution: Let S.P. of 1 Cassette= ₹100

S.P. of 25 Cassette= 100 * 25 = ₹2500

S.P. of 250 Cassette= 100 * 250 = ₹25000

C.P. of 250 Cassette= S.P. of 250 Cassette – Gain of 25 Cassette = 25000 – 2500 = ₹22500

Gain%= (2500/22500) * 100 = 11.11%

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16. On selling 36 oranges, a vendor loses the selling price of 4 oranges. Find his Loss Percent?

Solution: Let S.P. of 1 orange= ₹1

S.P. of 36 oranges= 1 * 36 = ₹36

S.P. of 4 oranges= 1 * 4 = ₹4

C.P. of 35 oranges = S.P. of 36 oranges + Loss = 36 + 4= ₹40

Loss%= (4/40) * 100 = 10%

17. Toffees are bought at 2 for a rupee and sold at 5 for ₹3. Find the Gain Percent or Loss Percent?

Solution: Let C.P. of 2 Toffees= ₹1

C.P of 1 Toffee= ₹1/2

S.P of 5 Toffees= 3

S.P. of 1 Toffee= ₹3/5

Gain= S.P. – C.P. = (3/5) – (1/2) = 1/10

Gain%= (1/10)/(1/2) * 100 = 20%

18. Coffee costing ₹450 per Kg was mixed with chicory costing ₹225 per Kg in the ratio of 5:2 for a certain blend. If the mixture was sold at ₹405 per Kg. Find the Gain Percent or Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P. of 1 Kg coffee= ₹450

C.P. of 5 Kg coffee= 450 * 5 = ₹2250

C.P. of 1 Kg chicory= ₹225

C.P. of 2 Kg chicory= 225 * 2 = ₹430

Now, C.P. of (5+2) Kg mixture= 2250 + 450 = ₹2700

Now, S.P. of 1 Kg of mixture= ₹405

∴ S.P. of 7 Kg mixture= 405 * 7 = ₹2835

Gain = 2835 – 2700 = ₹135

Gain% = (135/2700) * 100 = 5%


19. A man buys an article for ₹55 and sells it for ₹63.80. Find the Gain or Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P.= ₹55 and S.P.= ₹63.80

Since S.P.>C.P. so there is a Gain

Gain= S.P. – C.P= ₹(63.80-55)= ₹8.80

∴ Gain%= {(8.80/55)*100}%= 16%

20. A shopkeeper bought a bat for ₹490 and sold it for ₹416.50. Find his Gain or Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P.= ₹490 and S.P.= ₹416.50

Since C.P.>S.P. so there is a Loss

Loss= C.P. – S.P.= ₹(490-416.50)= ₹73.50

∴ Loss%= {(73.50/490)*100)%= 15%

21. A shopkeeper purchased a T.V. set for ₹2960 and spent ₹595 on its repairs and ₹120 on its transportation. He then sold it for ₹4557. Find his gain percent?

Solution: C.P.= ₹2960

Overhead expenses= ₹(595+120)= ₹715

Actual C.P.= C.P. + Overhead expenses= ₹(2960+715)= ₹3675

S.P.= ₹4557

Since S.P.>C.P. so there is a Gain

Gain= S.P. – C.P.= ₹(4557-3675)= ₹882

∴ Gain%= {(882/3675)*10}%= 24%

22. A man bought oranges at 8 for ₹34 and sold them at 12 for ₹57. Find his Gain or Loss Percent?

Solution: C.P. of 8 oranges= ₹34

C.P. of 1 orange= ₹(34/8)

C.P. of 24 oranges= ₹{(34/8)*24}= ₹102

S.P. of 12 oranges= ₹57

S.P. of 1 orange= ₹(57/12)

S.P. of 24 oranges= ₹{(57/12)*24}= ₹114

Since S.P.>C.P. so there is a Gain

Gain= ₹(114-102)= ₹12

∴ Gain%= {(12/102)*100}%= 200/17%= 11.76%

23. If the cost Price of 10 articles is equal to the selling price of 8 articles. Find the Gain or Loss Percent?

Solution: Let the cost price of each article be ₹x. Then,

C.P. of 8 articles= ₹8x

S.P. of 8 articles= C.P. of 10 articles= ₹10x

Since S.P.>C.P. so there is a Gain

Gain= ₹10x-8x= ₹2x

∴ Gain%= {(2x/8x)*100}%= 25%

24. By selling 33 meters of cloth, One gains the selling price of 11 meters. Find the Gain percent?

Solution: Given, Gain on selling 33m= (S.P. of 33m) – (C.P. of 33m)

=> S.P. of 11m= (S.P. of 33m) – (C.P. of 33m)

=> C.P. of 33m= (S.P. of 33m) – (S.P. of 11m)

=> C.P. of 33m= S.P. of 22m

Let the C.P. of each metre of cloth be ₹x. Then,

C.P. of 22m = ₹22x

S.P. of 22m= C.P. of 33m= ₹33x

Gain on 22m of cloth= S.P.- C.P. = ₹(33x-22x)= ₹11x

∴ Gain%= {(11x/22x)*100}= 50%

25. A T.V. set was sold at a gain of 15%. Had it been sold for ₹575 more, the gain would have been 20%. Find the cost price of the set?

Solution: Let the cost price if the T.V. set be ₹x

When the gain is 15%, the S.P.= ₹(x+15% of x)= ₹23x/20

When the gain is 20%, then S.P.= ₹(x+20% of x)= ₹6x/5

Now, the difference between the two S.P.’s= ₹575

ATQ, (6x/5) – (23x/20)= 575

x= 11500

∴ The cost price of the set is ₹11500

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To find S.P. when Gain Percent or Loss Percent are given
1) S.P.= {(100+Gain%)/100} * C.P.
2) S.P.= {(100-Loss%)/100} * C.P.
To find C.P. when S.P. and Gain Percent or Loss Percent are given
3) C.P.={(100/(100+Gain%)} * S.P
4) C.P.={(100/(100-Loss%)} * S.P

1) Find the Selling Price when:
(i) C.P.= ₹7,640, Gain= 15% (ii) C.P.= ₹4,850, Loss= 17%
(iii) C.P.= ₹720, Loss= 35/4% (iv) C.P.= ₹2,652, Gain= 50/3%


(i) C.P.= ₹7,640, Gain= 15%

S.P.= (100+Gain%)/100*C.P.= (100+15)/100*7640= ₹8786

(ii) C.P.= ₹4,850, Loss= 17%

S.P.= (100-Loss%)/100*C.P.= (100-12)/100*4850= ₹4268

(iii) C.P.= ₹720, Loss= 35/4%

S.P.= (100-Loss%)/100*C.P.= (100-35/4)/100*720= ₹657

(iv) C.P.= ₹2,652, Gain= 50/3%

S.P.= (100+Gain%)/100*C.P.= (100+50/3)/100*2652= ₹3094

2. Find the Cost Price when:
(i) S.P.= ₹207, Gain= 15% (ii) S.P.= ₹448.20, Loss= 17%
(iii) S.P.= ₹1,479, Gain= 25/4% (iv) S.P.= ₹611.80, Loss= 8%


(i) S.P.= ₹207, Gain= 15%

C.P.= 100/(100+Gain%)*S.P.= 100/(100+15)*207= ₹180

(ii) S.P.= ₹448.20, Loss= 17%

C.P.= 100/(100-Loss%)*S.P.= 100/(100-17)*448.20= ₹540

(iii) S.P.= ₹1,479, Gain= 25/4%

C.P.= 100/(100+Gain%)*S.P.= 100/(100+25/4)*1479= ₹1392

(iv) S.P.= ₹611.80, Loss= 8%

C.P.= 100/(100-Loss%)*S.P.= (100/100-8)*611.80= ₹665

3. A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a profit of 5%. If C pays ₹3,780, what did A pay for it?

Solution: C’s C.P. = ₹3780 or B’s S.P.= ₹3780

Gain= 5%

B’s C.P.= 100/(100+Gain%)*S.P.= 100/(100+5)*3780= ₹3600

A’s S.P.= ₹3600

A’s Gain= 20%

A’s C.P.= 100/(100+20)*3600= ₹3000

Hence A paid ₹3000 for the bicycle

4. Raju sold a watch to Sonu at a 12% gain and Sonu had to sell it to Manu at a loss of 5%. If Manu paid ₹5,320, How much did Raju pay for it?

Solution: Raju’s C.P.= x

Profit%= 12%

S.P.= (100+12)/100*x= ₹28x/25

Sonu’s C.P.= ₹28x/25

Loss%= 5%

S.P.= (100-5/100)*28x/25= ₹133x/125

Manu’s C.P.= ₹133x/125

But given C.P.= ₹5320

∴ 133x/125 = 5320

or, x= ₹5000

Raju paid ₹5000 for the watch

5. A grocer purchase 80 Kg of rice at ₹27 per Kg and mixed it with 120 Kg of rice purchased at ₹32 per Kg. At what rate per Kg should he sell the mixture to gain 16%?

Solution: C.P. of 80 kg rice at ₹27 per kg= 27*80= ₹2160

C.P. of 120 kg rice at ₹32 per kg= 32*120= ₹3840

So, C.P of (80+120=200)kg rice= 2160+3840= ₹6000

Gain%= 16%

∴ S.P. of 200 kg rice= (100+16)/100*6000= ₹6960

Also S.P. of 1 kg rice= 3480/100= ₹34.80 per kg

6. Mrs. Harjeet bought two bags for ₹1,150 each. She sold one of them at a gain of 6% and the other at a loss of 2%. How much did she gain?

Solution: C.P of each bag= ₹1150

C.P. pf 2 bags= 1150*2= ₹2300

Now C.P. of first bag= ₹1150

Gain%= 6%

S.P.= (100+6)/100*1150= ₹1219

Now C.P. of second bag= ₹1150

Loss= 2%

S.P. = (100-2)/100*1150= ₹1127

S.P. of 2 bags= 1219+1127= ₹2346

∴ Gain= 2346-2300= ₹46

7. A trader purchased a wall clock and a watch for a sum of ₹5,070. He sold them making a profit of 10% on the wall clock and 15% on the watch. He earns a profit of ₹669.50. Find the cost price of the wall clock and that of the watch?

Solution: Let C.P. = x

Gain = 10%

S.P.= (100+Gain%)/100*C.P.= (100+10)/100*x= ₹11x/10

Gain= (11x/10)-x= x/10

C.P.= (5070-x)

Gain= 15%

S.P.= (100+15)/100*(5070-x)

Gain= (23/20)*(5070-x) – (5070-x)= (3/20)*(5070-x)

Total Gain= x/10 + (3/20)*(5070-x) = (15210-x)/20

Given Profit= ₹669.50

∴ (15210-x)/20 = 669.50

x= 1820

So, C.P. of wall clock = 1820

C.P. of watch= 5070-1820= ₹3250

8. Toffees are bought at 15 for ₹20. How many toffees would be sold for ₹20 so as to gain 25%?

Solution: C.P. of 15 toffees= ₹20

Gain%= 25%

S.P.= (100+25)/100*20= ₹25

Now for ₹20, 15 toffees are sold

So, for ₹20 the number of toffees sold will be= 15*20/25= 12 toffees

9. Two-thirds of a consignment was sold at a profit of 5% and the remainder at a loss of 2%. If the total profit was ₹4,000. Find the value at which the consignment was purchased?

Solution: Let C.P. = x

Valu of 2/3 consignment= ₹2x/3

Gain%= 5%

Total Gain= (2x/3)*(5/100)= x/30

Value of 1/3 consignment= 1x/3

Loss%= 2%

Total Loss= (x/3)*(2/100)= x/150

Net gain= Total Gain – Total Loss = (x/30) – (x/150) = 4x/150

Given Total Profit= ₹4000

∴ 4x/100 = 4000

x= ₹150000

The value of total consignment= ₹1,50,000

10. A grocer bought sugar worth ₹4,500. He sold one-third of it at a 10% gain. At what gain percent the remaining sugar be sold to have a 12% gain on the whole transaction?

Solution: C.P. of sugar= ₹4500

C.P. of 1/3 part= ₹4500*1/3 = ₹1500

Gain%= 10%

S.P. of 1/3 part= (100+10)/10*1500= ₹1650

Gain on total sugar= 12%

Total S.P.= (100+12)/100*4500= ₹5040

S.P. of remaining 2/3 sugar= 5040 – 1650= ₹3390

C.P. = 4500-1500= ₹3000

∴ Gain= 3390-3000= ₹390

Now Gain%= (390/3000)*100= 13%

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11. A man buys a piece of land for ₹3,84,000. He sells two-fifths of it at a loss of 6%. At what gain percent should he sell the remaining piece of land to gain 10% on the whole transaction?

Solution: C.P. of land= ₹3,84,000

C.P. of 2/5 part of it= 2/5*384000= ₹153600

Loss%= 6%

S.P.= (100-Loss%)/100*C.P. = (100-6)/100*153600 = ₹144384

C.P.= 384000 – 153600= ₹230400

Gain on the whole transaction= 10%

So, S.P. of the whole piece of land= (100+10)/100*384000= ₹422400

S.P. of the remaining piece of land= 422400 – 144384= ₹278016

Profit= ₹278016 – 230400= ₹47616

Profit%= (47616/230400)*100= 62/3% = 20.66%

12. By selling an almirah for ₹10,416 a man gains 12%. What will be his gain or loss percent if it is sold for ₹9,114?

Solution: S.P. of almirah= ₹10416

Gai%= 12%

C.P. = (100/100+12)*10416 = ₹9300

Now, S.P.= ₹9114

Loss= 9300 – 9114= ₹186

Loss%= (186/9300)*100 = 2%

13. A chair was sold for ₹2,142 at a gain of 5%. At what price it should have been sold to gain 10%?

Solution: S.P. of chair= ₹2142

Gain%= 5%

C.P. = (100/100+5)*2142 = ₹2040

Gain%= 10%

S.P.= (100+10)/100*2040 = ₹2244

14. A television is sold for ₹9,360 at a loss of 4%. For how much it should have been sold to gain 4%?


First Case

S.P. of television= ₹9360

Loss%= 4%

C.P. = (100/100-4)*9360 = ₹9750

Second Case

Gain%= 4%

S.P.= (100+4)/100*9750 = ₹10140

15. A shopkeeper sold two fans at ₹1,980 each. On one he gained 10%, while on the other he lost 10%. Calculate the gain or loss percent on the whole transaction?

Solution: S.P. of one fan= ₹1980

Gain%= 10%

C.P.= (100/100+10)*1980 = ₹1800

S.P. of second fan= ₹1980

Loss%= 10%

C.P.= (100/100-10)*1980 = ₹2200

Now C.P. of two fans= 1800 + 2200= ₹4000

S.P. of two fans= 1980*2 = ₹3960

∴ Loss= 4000 – 3960 = ₹40

Loss%= (40/4000)*100 = 1%

16. Shanti sold two cameras for ₹6,555 each. On one she lost 5% while on the other she gained 15%. Find the gain or loss percent in the whole transaction?

Solution: S.P. of first camera= ₹6555

Loss%= 5%

C.P. = (100/100-5)*6555 = ₹6900

S.P. of second camera= ₹6555

Gain%= 15%

C.P. = (100/100+15)*6555 = ₹5700

Now C.P. of two fans= 6900+5700 = ₹12600

S.P. of two fans= 6555+6555= ₹13110

∴ Gain= 13110 – 12600 = ₹510

Gain%= (510/12600)*100 = 4.01%

17. By selling 45 lemons for ₹40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for ₹24 to gain 20% on the transaction?

Solution: S.P. of 45 lemons= ₹40

Loss= 20%

C.P. of 45 lemons= (100/100-20)*40 = ₹50

Gain%= 20%

S.P. of 45 lemons= (100+20)/100*50 = ₹60

₹60 is the S.P. of = 45 lemons

₹1 is the S.P. of= 45/60 lemons

₹24 is the S.P. of= (45/60)*24 lemons = 18 lemons

18. Rajni sold a pressure cooker at a loss of 8%. Had she bought it at 10% less and sold for ₹176 more, She would have gained 20%. Find the cost of the pressure cooker?


First Case

Let C.P. of pressure cooker= ₹100

Loss%= 8%

S.P.= (100-8)/100*100 = ₹92

Second Case

C.P. = 100 – 10 = ₹90

Gain%= 20%

S.P.= (100+20)/100*90 = ₹108

Now S.P. = 108 – 92 = ₹16

If difference is 16 then C.P. = 100

If difference is 176 then C.P. = (100*176)/16 = ₹1100

Hence C.P. of the pressure cooker is ₹1100

19. A man sold a toaster at a profit of 10%. Had he purchased it for 5% less and sold it for ₹56 more, he could have gained 25%. For how much did he buy it?


First Case

Let C.P. of the toaster= ₹100

Gain%= 10%

S.P. = 100+10 = ₹110

Second Case

C.P. = 100-5 = ₹95

Gain= 25%

S.P. = (100+25)/100*95 = ₹118.75

Difference between S.P. = 118.75 – 110 = ₹8.75

If difference is ₹8.5 then C.P. = ₹100

If difference is ₹56 then C.P. = (100*56)/8.75 = ₹640

20. A shopkeeper sells each of his goods at a gain of 45/2%. If on any day his total sale was ₹9,408. What was (i) the total cost of all the goods sold on that day (ii) his profit of that day?

Solution: Total sales on one day= ₹9408

Gain%= 45/2%

(i) Total cost= {100/100+(45/2)}*9408 = ₹7680

(ii) Total profit= 9408 – 7680 = ₹1728


21. Rashmi bought a purse for ₹475. For how much should she sell it to gain 16%?

Solution: C.P.= ₹475 and Gain%= 16%

∴ Gain= 16% of C.P.= 16% of ₹475= (16/100)*475 = ₹76

∴ S.P.= C.P. + Gain= ₹(475+76)= ₹551

Hence the selling price of the purse should be ₹551

22. Manish bought a calculator for ₹540 and he had to sell it at a loss of 25%. Find the selling price of the calculator?

Solution: C.P.= 4540 and Loss%= 15%

∴ Loss= 15% of C.P.= 15% of 540= (15/100)*540= ₹81

∴ S.P.= C.P.-Loss= ₹(540-81)= ₹459

Hence the selling price of the calculator is ₹459

23. A man purchases two clocks A and B at a total cost of ₹1950. He sells clock A at a profit of 20% and clock B at a loss of 25% and gets the same selling prices for both the clocks. Find the cost price of each one of the two clocks?

Solution: Let the C.P. of clock A be ₹x

Then, the C.P. of clock B= ₹(1950-x)

For clock A

C.P.= ₹x and Profit%= 20%

∴ S.P.= {(100+20)/100}*x= ₹6x/5

For clock B

C.P.= ₹(1950-x) and Loss%= 25%

∴ S.P.= {(100-25)/100}*(1950-x)= ₹(3/4)(1950-x)

Now S.P. of clock A= S.P. of clock B

∴ 6x/5 = (3/4)(1950-x)

x= ₹750

Thus C.P. of clock A= ₹750 and C.P. of clock B= ₹(1950-750)= ₹1200

24. The C.P. of two watches taken together is ₹13440. By selling one at a profit of 26% and the other at a loss of 12% there is no loss or gain in the whole transaction. Find the individual cost prices of the two watches?

Solution: Let the C.P. of the first watch= ₹x

Then, the C.P. of second watch= ₹(13440-x)

For the first watch

C.P.= ₹x and Profit%= 16%

∴ S.P.= {(100+16)/100}*x= ₹29x/25

For the second watch

C.P.= ₹(13440-x) and Loss%= 12%

∴ S.P.= {(100-12)/100}*(13440-x)= ₹(22/25)(13440-x)

Since there is no loss or gain in the whole transaction so the combined S.P. of two watches= combined C.P. of two watches= ₹13440

or, (29x/25)+(22/25)(13440-x)= 3440

x= 5760

Thus C.P. of the first wacth= ₹5760 and C.P. of the second watch= ₹(13440-5760)= ₹7680

25. A man bought goods worth ₹72000 and sold half of them at a gain of 10%. At what gain Percent must he sell the remainder so as to get a gain of 25% on the whole transaction?

Solution: C.P. of all goods= ₹72,000

Desired gain on the whole transaction= 25%

∴ Desired S.P.= {(100+25)/100}*72000= ₹90,000

In order to gain 25%, the entire goods must be sold for ₹90,000

Now C.P. of half of the goods= ₹{(1/2)*72000}= ₹36,000

Gain on this goods= 10 %

S.P. of these goods= {(100+10)/100}*36000= ₹39600

∴ S.P. of the remaining half of the goods must be= ₹(90000-39600)= ₹50400

But C.P. of these remaining half of the goods= ₹36000

So, required gain= ₹(50400-36000)= ₹14400

∴ Required Gain% of the remaining half of the goods= (14400/36000)*100= 40%

26. By selling a book for ₹648, a bookseller earns a profit of 20%. Find the cost price of the book?

Solution: Let the C.P. of the book be ₹x

Profit= ₹(20% of x)= ₹x/5

∴ S.P.= C.P.+Profit= x+(x/5)= ₹6x/5

Now, 6x/5=648

x= ₹540

∴ The C.P. of the book is ₹540

27. By selling a table for ₹6384, a shopkeeper loses 5%. For how much did he purchase it?

Solution: Let the C.P. of the table be ₹x

Loss= ₹(5% of x)= ₹x/20

∴ S.P.= C.P.-Loss= ₹x-(x/20)= ₹19x/20

Now, 19x/20=6384

x= ₹6720

Hence he purchased the table for ₹6720

28. By selling a notebook for ₹19.50 a shopkeeper gains 30%. For how much should he sell it to gain 40%?


S.P.= ₹19.50 and Gain%= 30%

∴ C.P.= ₹100/(100+3)*19.50= ₹15

Now, C.P.= ₹15, Gain%= 40%

∴ Required S.P.= {(100+40)/100}*15= ₹21

Thus, he must sell it for ₹21 in order to gain 40%

29. Manoj sells two watches for ₹5865 each, gaining 15% on the one and losing 15% on the other. Find his Gain or Loss Percent on the whole transaction?


For one watch

S.P.= ₹5865 and Gain%= 15%

∴ C.P.= {100/(100+15)}*5865= ₹5100

For the other watch

S.P.= ₹865 and Loss%= 15%

∴ C.P.= {100/(100-15)}*5865= ₹6900

∴ Total C.P.= ₹(5100+6900)= ₹12000

Total S.P. of the two watches= ₹(5865*2)= ₹11730

∴ Loss= C.P. – S.P. = ₹(12000-11730)= ₹270

∴ Loss%= (270/12000)*100= 9/4%= 2.25%

30. Cotter pins are bought 5 for a rupee. How many for a rupee should these be sold to gain 25%?

Solution: For 5 cotter pins, we have

C.P.= ₹1 and Gain%=25%

S.P.= ₹(100+25)/100*1= ₹5/4

Now, ₹5/4 is the S.P. of 5 cotter pins

₹1 is the S.P. of 5*5/4) cotter pins= 4 cotter pins

Hence, the cotter pins should be at 4 for a rupee in order to gain 25%

31. A man sold a camera at a 4% profit. Had he purchased it for 14% less and sold it for ₹539 less. he would have gained 50/3%. For how much did the man purchase that camera?

Solution: Let the C.P. of the camera be ₹x

Then, S.P. at 4% Profit= ₹{(100+4)/100}*x= ₹26x/25

New C.P.= ₹(x-14% of x)= ₹43x/50

New S.P.= S.P. at a gain of 50/3%= ₹{(100+50/3)/100*(43x/50)}= ₹301x/300

But, new S.P.= ₹(26x/25)-539

∴ (26x/25)-539= 301x/300

x= ₹14,700

∴ The man purchased the camera for ₹14,700.

Related: Simple Interest And Compound Interest Multiple Choice Questions


M.P.= Marked Price
1) Selling Price= Marked Price – Discount
If d% is the rate of discount
2) S.P.={1-(d/100)}*M.P.
If d1 and d2 are successive discounts
3) S.P.= {1-(d1/100)}{1-(d2/100)}*M.P.

1. The marked price of a refrigerator is ₹16,450. The shopkeeper offers an off-season discount of 16% on it. Find its selling price?

Solution: The marked price of refrigerator= ₹16450

Discount= 16%

Discounted price= (16*16450)/100 = ₹2632

S.P. of refrigerator= 16450 – 2632 = ₹13818

2. The price of a sweater was slashed down by a shopkeeper from ₹850 to ₹731. Find the rate of discount given by him?

Solution: Price of serater= ₹850

S.P. = ₹731

Discount = 850 – 732 = ₹119

∴ Rate of Discount= (119/850)*100 = 14%

3. Find the rate of discount being given on a mini toy gun whose selling price is ₹345 after deducting a discount of ₹30 on its marked price?

Solution: S.P. of gun= ₹345

Discount= ₹30

Marked Price of the gun= 345 + 30 = ₹375

Discount%= (30/375)*100 = 8%

4. After allowing a discount of 15%, a baby suit was sold for ₹1,156. Find its marked price?

Solution: Let the market price of a baby suit= ₹x

Discount= 15%

S.p. of the baby suit= (100-15)/100*x = 85x/100

Now, 17x/20 = 1156

x= ₹1360

∴ The Marked Price is ₹1360

5. A calculator was bought for ₹435 after getting a discount of 13%. Find the marked price of the calculator?

Solution: Let the Market Price of the calculator= ₹x

Discount= 13% of M.P. = 13x/100

S.P. of the calculator= x-(13x/100)

Now, (100x – 13x)/100 = 87x/100

x= ₹500

∴ The Marked price is ₹500

6. A dealer marked his goods 35% above the cost price and allowed a discount of 20% on the market price. Find his gain or loss percent?

Solution: Let C.P. of goods= ₹x

M.P. of the goods= x + 35% of x = (20x+7x)/20 = ₹27x/20

Discount= 20% of ₹27x/20 = 27x/100

S.P. of the goods= (27x/20) – (27x/100) = 108x/100

Gain= (108x/100)-x = 2x/25

Gain%= (2x/25)/x*100 = 8%

7. An article was marked 40% above the cost price and a discount of 35% was given on its marked price. Find his gain or loss percent made by the shopkeeper?

Solution: Let C.P. of an article= ₹x

M.P. of an article= (x+40% of x) = ₹7x/5

Discount= 35% of 7x/5 = 49x/100

S.P. of an article= (7x/5) – (49x/100) = ₹91x/100

Loss= x – (91x/100)

Loss%= (9x/100)/x * 100 = 9%

8. A dealer purchased a washing machine for ₹7,660. After allowing a discount of 12% on its marked price, he gains 10%. Find the marked price?

Solution: Let M.P. of washing machine= ₹x

Discount= 12% of ₹x = 3x/25

S.P. of washing machine= x – 3x/25 = 22x/25

C.P. of washing machine= ₹7660

Gain%= 10%

S.P. of washing machine= (100+10)/100*7660 = ₹8426

If S.P. is 22x/25 then M.P.= ₹x

If S.P. is 1 then M.P.= ₹(x/(22x/25)) = ₹25/22

If S.P. is 8425 then M.P.= 25/22*8426 = ₹9575

9. A shopkeeper bought a sewing machine for ₹3,750. After allowing a discount of 10% on its marked price he gains 26%. Find the marked price of the sewing machine?

Solution: Suppose the M.P. of sewing maching= ₹x

Discount= 10%

∴ S.P. of machine= (100-10)/100*x = 9x/10

C.P. of the machine= ₹3750

Gain%= 26%

S.P. of the machine= (100+26)/100*3750 = ₹4725

Now, 9x/10 = 4725

x = ₹5250

Hence, the M.P. of the sewing machine = ₹5250

10. After allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price, a trader still makes a profit of 17%. By what percent is the marked price above cost price?

Solution: Let M.P.= ₹x

Discount= 10% of ₹x = x/10

∴ S.P. = x-(x/10) = 9x/10

Profit%= 17%

C.P. = 100/(100+17)*(9x/10) = 10x/13

M.P. above C.P.= x-(10x/13) = 3x/13

∴ Percentage of M.P. above C.P.= (3x/13)/(10x/3)*100 = 30%

Related: Maths General Knowledge Question And Answer

11. After allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price, a shopkeeper still gains 21%. By what percent is the marked price above cost price?

Solution: Let Cost Price= ₹100

Gain%= 21%

S.P.= 100+21= ₹121

Rate of discount= 12%

M.P. = 100/(100-discount) * 100 = 100/(100-12) * 121 = ₹137.50

∴ Difference in both M.P. and C.P. = 137.50 – 100 = ₹37.50

The marked price is marked 37.50% above C.P.

12. Find a single discount equivalent to two successive discounts of 20% and 10%?

Solution: Let M.P. = ₹100

Successive discount= 20% and 10%

S.P. = {(100-20)/100} * {(100-10)/100} * 100 = ₹72

Total discount= 100-72 = 28

Single rate of discount= 28%

13. Find a single discount equivalent to two successive discounts of 40% and 5%?

Solution: let M.P. = ₹100

First discount= 40%

Second discount= 5%

∴ S.P. = {(100-40)/100} * {(100-5)/100} * 100 = ₹57

Total discount= 100 – 57 = ₹43

Rate of single discount= 43%

14. Find a single discount equivalent to three successive discounts of 20%, 5%, and 1%?

Solution: Let M.P.= ₹100

First discount= 20%

Second discount= 5%

Third discount= 1%

S.P. = {(100-20)/100} * {(100-5)/100} * {(100-1)/100} * 100 = ₹75.24

Total amount of discount= 100 – 75.24 = ₹24.76

∴ Single discount= 24.76%

15. The marked price of a watch is ₹1,375. If tax is charged at the rate of 4%, find the total cost of the watch?

Solution: M.P. of watch= ₹1375

Tax= 4%

Total tax= 4% of 1375 = ₹55

Total C.P. = 1375 + 55 = ₹1430

16. Ravi buys a bicycle with a marked price of ₹12,500. He gets a rebate of 10% on it. After getting the rebate, tax is charged at the rate of 6%. Find the amount he will have to pay for the bicycle?

Solution: M.P. of the bicycle= ₹12500

Rebate= 10%

C.P. after Rebate= (100-10)/100*12500 = ₹11250

Rate of tax= 6%

Total tax= 6% of 11250= ₹675

∴ C.P. of the bicycle= 11250+675= ₹11925

17. The list price of a washing machine is ₹25,000 and the shopkeeper gives a discount of 12% on the list price. On the remaining amount, he charges a tax of 10%. Find (i) Amount of tax a customer has to pay (ii) Final price he has to pay for the washing machine?

Solution: Price of the washing machine= ₹25000

Discount= 12% of 25000 = ₹3000

Cost of washing machine after discount= (25000-3000) = ₹22000

(i) Tax= 10% of ₹22000= ₹2200

(ii) Final Price= (22000+2200) = ₹24200

18. Reena purchased a face cream for ₹113.40 including tax. If the printed price of the face cream is ₹105, find the rate of tax on it?

Solution: Price of face cream= ₹113.40

Printed price= ₹105

Tax= (113.40 – 105) = ₹8.40

Tax on ₹105 = ₹8.40

Rate of Tax= 8.40/105 * 100 = 8%

19. Vivek purchased a laptop for ₹34,164, which includes a 10% rebate on the marked price and then a 4% tax on the remaining price. Find the marked price of the laptop?

Solution: C.P. of laptop= ₹34164

Rebate= 10%

Rate of tax= 4%

Let M.P. = ₹x

S.P.= (100-10)/100*x = 9x/10

Tax= 4% of 9x/10 = 9x/250

C.P. = (9x/10) + (9x/250) = 234x/250

ATQ, 234x/250 = 34164

x= ₹36500

∴ The marked price of the laptop is ₹36500

20. Tanya buys an electric iron for ₹712.80, which includes two successive discounts of 10% and 4% respectively on the marked price and then 10% tax on the remaining price. Find the marked price of the electric iron?

Solution: Let the price of iron= ₹x

First discount= 10%

C.P. after discount= (100-10)/100*x= 9x/10

Second discount= 4%

C.P. after discount= (100-4)/100* (9x/10)= 864x/1000

Rate of tax= 10%

∴ Total Tax= 10% of (864x/1000)= 864x/10000

Total C.P.= (864x/1000) + (864x/10000) = 9504x/10000

ATQ, (9504x/10000) = 71280/100

x= ₹750

Marked Price of the electric iron= ₹750

21. The price of a food processor inclusive of a tax of 5% is ₹6,930. If the tax is increased to 8%, how much more does the customer pay for it?

Solution: Let the price of a food processor= ₹x

Tax= 5% of x = 5x/100

Total cost= x+(5x/100) = 105x/100

ATQ, 105x/100 = 6930

x= ₹6600

If marked price of food processor= ₹6600

Tax at new rate= 8% of 6600= ₹528

Price to be paid= 6600+528= ₹7128

Increase in last amount= 7128-6930= ₹198

The customer has to pay ₹198 more

22. The price of a laser printer including 7% tax is ₹17,334. How much less does a customer pay for it, if the tax on it is reduced to 4%?

Solution: Let the price of laser printer= ₹x

Tax= 7% of x = 7x/100

Total cost of printer= x + (7x/100)= 107x/100

ATQ, 107x/100=17334

x= ₹16200

Now M.P. of laser printer= ₹16200

New reduced Tax= 4% of 16200= ₹648

C.P. = 16200+648= 16848

Reduced price= 17334-16848= ₹486

Hence the customer has to pay ₹486 less


23. The marked price of a ceiling fan is ₹1750 and the shopkeeper allows a discount of 6% on it. Find its selling price?

Solution: Marked Price= ₹1750 and Discount= 6%

∴ Discount= 6% of M.P. = 6% of 1750= ₹105

∴ S.P. of the fan= M.P. – S.P.= ₹(1750-105)= ₹1645

Hence the selling price of the fan is ₹1645

24. An article marked at ₹587.50 is sold for ₹517. Find the rate of discount offered?

Solution: M.P.= ₹587.50 S.P.= 517

Discount given= M.P. – S.P.= ₹(587.50-517)= ₹70.50

∴ Rate of discount= (70.50/587.50)*100= 12%

Hence a discount of 12% was offered

25. A trader marks his goods 40% above the cost price and allows a discount of 25%. What gain% does he make?

Solution: Let the cost price of any of his goods be ₹100

Then, its marked price= ₹140

Discount= 25% of 140= ₹35

∴ Selling Price= M.P. – Discount= ₹(140-35)= ₹105

Gain= Selling Price- Cost Price= ₹(105-100)= ₹5

∴ On a cost price of ₹100, Gain= ₹5

And so, gain%= 5%

Hence the trader gains 5%

26. A dealer allows a discount of 25% to his customers and still gains 25%. Find the marked price of an article that costs the dealer ₹1080?

Solution: C.P. = ₹1080 and Gain= 25%

∴ S.P. = {(100+25)/100}*1080= ₹1350

Let the marked price be ₹x

∴ Discount allowed= 25% of ₹x= ₹x/4

S.P.= M.P. – Discount= x-(x/4)= ₹3x/4

Now, 3x/4= 1350

x= ₹1800

Hence the marked price of the article is ₹1800

27. After allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price of an article a dealer gains 8%. By what percent is the marked price above cost price?

Solution: Let the marked price of the article be ₹x

Then discount allowed= 10% of ₹x= ₹(10/100) * x= ₹x/10

∴ Selling price of the article= M.P. – Discount= ₹x-(x/10)= ₹9x/10

Now, Gain%= 8%

∴ C.P. = {100/(100+8)}*(9x/10)= ₹5x/6

Difference between M.P. and C.P.= ₹x-5x/6= ₹x/6

∴ The M.P. is above C.P. by= {(x/6)/(5x/6)}*100= 20%

Hence the marked price is above the cost price by 20%

28. Find the single discount equivalent to two successive discounts of 20% and 5%?

Solution: Let the marked price of an article be ₹100

Discount given on it= 20% of 100= ₹20

Reduced price after first discount= ₹(100-20)= ₹80

Next discount= 5% of 80= ₹4

Price after second discount= ₹(80-4) =₹76

∴ S.P. of the article= ₹76

Net discount= M.P. – S.P.= ₹(100-76)= ₹24

Thus net discount on M.P. of ₹100 is ₹24

∴ Single discount equivalent to given successive discounts= 24%

29. A dealer quotes the price of a suitcase as ₹675 and charges tax at a rate of 8%. Find the amount that a customer has to pay for the suitcase?

Solution: The sale price of the suitcase= ₹675

Tax= 8% of 675= ₹54

∴ Total amount to be paid= ₹(675+54)= ₹729

30. Abhay bought a mobile phone listed at ₹2800. If he got a discount of 15/2% on it and paid tax at the rate of 10%, find the final amount he paid for the phone?

Solution: List price of the mobile phone= ₹2800

Discount= 15/2% of 2800= ₹210

Sale price of the movie phone= ₹(2800-210)= ₹2590

Tax= 10% of ₹2590= ₹259

∴ Total amount paid by Abhay= ₹(2590+259)= ₹2849

31. The price of a television set, inclusive of tax is ₹13530. If the rate of tax is 10%, find (i) Its basic price (ii) Amount of tax


(i) Let the basic price of the television be ₹x

Tax= 10% of ₹x= ₹x/10

Total price of the television= ₹x+(x/10)= ₹11x/10

∴ 11x/10= 13530

x= ₹12300

Hence the basic price of the television is ₹12,300

(ii) Amount of tax= 10% of ₹12300 = ₹(10/100)*12300= ₹1230

32. Sachin purchased a bat for ₹1458 which includes a 10% discount on the marked price and then 8% tax on the remaining price. Find the marked price of the bat?

Solution: Let the marked price of the bat be ₹x

Then, discount= 10% of ₹x= ₹(10/100)*x= ₹x/10

Price of the bat after discount= ₹x-(x/10)= ₹9x/10

Tax= 8% of 9x/10= ₹9x/125

Price to be paid= ₹(9x/10)+(9x/125)= ₹243x/250

∴ 243x/250 = 1458

x= ₹1500

Hence, the marked price of the bat is ₹1500.

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1. By selling an article for ₹100, one gains ₹10. The gain percentage is
a) 9%
b) 10%
c) 11%
d) 100/9%

2. By selling an article for ₹100, one loses ₹10. The loss percent is
a) 9%
b) 100/11%
c) 10%
d) 100/9%

3. A man sold his cow for ₹7920 and gained 10%. The cow was bought for
a) ₹7000
b) ₹7200
c) ₹7128
d) ₹7840

4. A watch is sold for ₹1080 at a loss of 10%. The cost price of the watch is
a) ₹1180
b) ₹1200
c) ₹1188
d) ₹1125

5. By selling an article for ₹240, a trader loses 4%. In order to gain 10%, he must sell that article for?
a) ₹264
b) ₹273.30
c) ₹275
d) ₹280

6. A man loses ₹20 by selling some articles at the rate of ₹3 per piece and gains ₹30 if he sells them at ₹3.25 per price. The number of pieces sold by him is?
a) 100
b) 120
c) 200
d) 300

7. The profit percent made when an article is sold for ₹78 is twice as when it is sold for ₹69. The cost price of the article is?
a) ₹49
b) ₹51
c) ₹57
d) ₹60

8. A vendor buys oranges at ₹2 for 3 oranges and sells them at a rupee each. To make a profit of ₹10 he must sell?
a) 10 Oranges
b) 20 Oranges
c) 30 Oranges
d) 40 Oranges

9. A man gains 10% by selling an article for a certain price. If he sells it at double the price, the profit made is?
a) 20%
b) 60%
c) 100%
d) 120%

10. If an article is sold at a gain of 6% instead of at a loss of 6%, then the seller gets ₹6 more. The cost price of the article is?
a) ₹50
b) ₹94
c) ₹100
d) ₹106

11. A radio is sold at a gain of 16%. If it had been sold for ₹20 more, 20% would have been gained. The cost price of the radio is?
a) ₹350
b) ₹400
c) ₹500
d) ₹600

12. Profit after selling an article for ₹425 is the same as loss after selling it for ₹355. The cost of the article is?
a) ₹385
b) ₹390
c) ₹395
d) ₹400

13. A sold a watch to B at a gain of 5% and B sold it to C at a gain of 4%. If C paid ₹1092 for it the price paid by A is?
a) ₹993.72
b) ₹995.90
c) ₹996
d) ₹1000

14. A bicycle is sold at a gain of 26%. If it had been sold for ₹60 more, 20% would have been gained. The cost price of the bicycle is?
a) ₹1050
b) ₹1200
c) ₹1500
d) ₹1800

15. If the cost price of 15 tables be equal to the selling price of 20 tables, the loss percent is?
a) 20%
b) 25%
c) 35%
d) 40%

16. A fruit seller buys lemons at 2 for a rupee and sells them at 5 for ₹3. His gain percent is?
a) 10%
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25%

17. By selling 45 oranges for ₹80 a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for ₹48 so as to gain 20% in the transaction?
a) 15
b) 18
c) 20
d) 25

18. A trader lists his articles 20% above the cost price and allows a discount of 10% on cash payment. His gain percent is?
a) 5%
b) 6%
c) 8%
d) 10%

19. At what percent above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 22.5% after allowing a discount of 2%?
a) 20%
b) 24%
c) 25%
d) 26%

20. Arun buys an article with a 25% discount on its marked price. He makes a profit of 10% by selling it at ₹660. The marked price is?
a) ₹600
b) ₹700
c) ₹800
d) ₹685

21. An umbrella marked at ₹80 is sold for ₹68. The rate of discount is?
a) 12%
b) 15%
c) 17%
d) 20%

22. A tradesman marks his goods 30% above cost price. If he allows a discount of 25/4%, then his gain percent is?
a) 21.87%
b) 23.87%
c) 24.87%
d) 25.87%

23. A discount series of 10%, 20%, and 40% is equivalent to a single discount of?
a) 50%
b) 56.8%
c) 60%
d) 70.28%

24. The difference between a discount of 40% on ₹500 and two successive discounts of 36% and 4% on the same amount is?
a) Nil
b) ₹1.93
c) ₹2
d) ₹7.20

25. On an article with a marked price of ₹20,000 a customer has a choice between three successive discounts of 20%, 20%, and 10% and three successive discounts of 40%, 5%, and 5%. By choosing the better offer he can save?
a) Nothing
b) ₹690
c) ₹715
d) ₹785

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